The Rockwall County Historical Foundation was organized January 16, 1978, with the intent to preserve the heritage of Rockwall County. Ongoing projects of the Foundation include maintaining a permanent museum showcasing artifacts of Rockwall County history, taping and preserving oral histories from long-time local residents, designating historic sites and structures within the County, sponsoring events that educate the public about Rockwall County history, preserving and safekeeping photos and other documents relative to Rockwall County, and distribution and publication of educational materials.

The Rockwall County Historical Foundation Museum is housed in the Manson-LaMoreaux-Hartman House located at 901 E. Washington Street in Harry Myers Park. The museum is open to the public Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., and by appointment. Admission is free.

For more information please use any of the following:
   Telephone: 972-722-1507
   email: rchfoundation (please remove the space before the @)
   Mailing address:
Rockwall County Historical Foundation
      PO Box 916
      Rockwall, TX 75087
                                                      Official Web Page